2023 so far...
24/11: Led by the Williams group in Oxford, this collaborative work on 'Evaluating Heterodinuclear Mg(II)M(II) (M = Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Zn) Catalysts for the Chemical Recycling of Poly(cyclohexene carbonate)' is out now in ACS Catalysis. Well done Maddie and Thom!
16/10: Congratulations Craig and everyone involved in this new article: "Radical Ring Opening Polymerization of Cyclic Ketene Acetals Derived From D-Glucal", now published in ACS Macro Letters.
01/10: The team welcomes Jack and Sophie for their PhD studies, as well as Callum and Edmund for their final year research projects. Welcome everyone!
01/09: Funded by the UK Catalysis Hub and in collaboration with the Williams group in Oxford, our latest article in J. Am. Chem. Soc. on 'Chemical Recycling of Commercial Poly(l-lactic acid) to l-Lactide Using a High-Performance Sn(II)/Alcohol Catalyst System'. is out. Congrats Thom!
15/06: Ella wins the talk prize at the Macro UK Young Researchers Meeting 2023. Congrats!
07/06: Congratulations to Ella for this new publication about the ring-opening copolymerization of a xylose-derived oxetane, with isothiocyanates published in Polymer Chemistry.
21/02: Congratulations to Emma for her first publication in ACS Appl. Energy Mater., on sugar-derived self-healing single-ion conducting gel polymer electrolytes!
07/02: Congratulations to Strachan for his publication in ACS Catalysis, on Zr catalyst systems for the industrial production of PLA, a experimental-computational study, in collaboration with TotalEnergies Corbion.

Summer and Autumn 2022
11/10: The lab welcomes Beth and Seb for their final year research project.
29/09: Antoine gives a talk at the Irish Polymers and Materials Conference 2022: Polymers and the Environment II.
29/09: Funded by the UK Catalysis Hub and in collaboration with the Williams group in Oxford, our latest article in J. Am. Chem. Soc. on 'Solid-State Chemical Recycling of Polycarbonates to Epoxides and Carbon Dioxide Using a Heterodinuclear Mg(II)Co(II) Catalyst'. is out. Congrats Thom and Arron!
22/09: In collaboration with the Williams group in Oxford, our study into the Mechanism of Carbon Dioxide and Propylene Oxide Ring-Opening Copolymerization Using a Co(III)/K(I) Heterodinuclear Catalyst is now out in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Congratulations team!
18/07: Antoine, James and Ella present their work at the Macrogroup UK Young Researchers Meeting in Nottingham. Congratulations to Ella for winning a postter prize!
28/06: Emma received the first Janet Scott Prize at the CSCT summer showcase. Congrats!
20/06: We welcome in the lab Khadija and Maude for their summer research placement.
13-16/06: The group is attending and presenting our work at the Bordeaux Polymer Conference.

Autumn 2021, Winter and Spring 2022
21/04: In collaboration with the Williams group in Oxford, we report the first chemical recycling of poly(cyclohexene carbonate) back to epoxide and CO2 in Angewandte Chemie (open access). Congrats to Frances, Arron, and Thom!
06/04: Congratulations to Craig for his first publication in Chem. Commun. (open access), on UV degradable poly(lactic acid) materials.
28/02: Our work on xylose-based solid polymer electrolyte for Li+ ion conduction has been published in J. Mater. Chem. A (open access). Congratulations team and well done Matt for this first publication in the group!
15/12: The results of our collaboration with the Parker group, on the modelling of O2 diffusion in bulk PET and PEF has been published in Macromolecules! Well done Jasmine!
19/11: We've launched iCAST, the Innovation Centre for Applied Sustainable Technologies!
27/10: Our recent work on xylose-based polymers with polyethylene like properties is now published in ACS Applied Polymer Materials. Well done Marco and Jasmine.
26/10: The result of our collaboration with the Hintermair group, on the importance of stereogenic metal centres in Noyori-Ikariya catalysts, is now published in ACS Catalysis.
01/10: The group welcomes Donatella, Emily and Lauren for their final year research project.
Winter, Spring and Summer 2021
09/08: Welcome to Alina who joins the group from RWTH Aachen University and the Herres-Pawlis group for a short research exchange funded by the German DAAD.
26/07: Congratulations to Ioli for passing her PhD viva today!
15/07: New paper on the ROCOP of a sugar-derived oxetane with CS2. The resulting polymers can be recycled back to monomer or degraded under UV. Now out in Polymer Chemistry (OA).
18/05: New publication on xylose-based polyesters made by ring-opening copolymerization of oxetanes and anhydride now out in Macromolecules. Well done Thom and Ella!
12/04: Welcome to Fannie who joins us to work on a project funded by NERC, to investigate the environmental impact of bio-derived polymers, in collaboration with the University of Plymouth and PML.
23/02: New publication on sugar-derived polyethers and stereocomplexation now out in Angewandte Chemie (Open Access).

Summer, Autumn and Christmas 2020
16/12: Our group wins the departmental (virtual) Christmas quiz, and get our hands on a most coveted prize: chemistry-themed face masks!
20/11: New publication on sugar-derived polyethers and stereocomplexation just accepted in Angewandte Chemie. More info soon!
16/11: New group photo!
16/11: Congratulations to Thom for passing his PhD viva today! Thom will stay on for a little bit longer as a PDRA on a Impact Acceleration Account project around xylose-based polyols.
12/10: New publication out in Chemical Science (OA), a project led by Dr Jennifer Garden from Edinburgh University, on mixed-metal catalysts giving "best of both" in lactone ROP.
28/09: Welcome to James (welcome back!), Ella and Sophie who join the lab for their PhD with the CSCT and the Bath-Monash Global PhD Programme.
18/09: Our latest collaboration with the Williams group in Oxford, on ROP catalysis and indium phosphasalen complexes is out in Catalysis Science & Technology. Well done Peck and Thom!
19/08: Thom's latest work on bio-based degradable star polymers with the Kamigaito group from Nagoya University can now be read in Polymer Chemistry (open access).
27/06: Marco wins a poster prize at the (virtual) Macro Group UK's Young Researchers Meeting.

Autumn and Winter 2019/2020
20/03: Our lab is shut for now. Stay well and keep safe!
13/03: Congratulations Marco for his new publication in Polymer Chemistry (open access), on the synthesis of new polymers from sugars and unsaturated fatty acids using metathesis polymerisation.
06/03: Congratulations Emma for winning a poster prize at the Women in Chemistry Conference and Career events in Nottingham. Well done!
12/02: Antoine gives an invited lecture at the annual general assembly of the RSC Bristol and District section.
10/01: Antoine gives a talk at the 12th Chemistry New Year Symposium in RWTH Aachen University.
04/12: Antoine gives a talk in the Department of Materials at the University of Manchester.
22/10: Congratulations to Ioli for her first first author publication in Polymer Chemistry (open access), on reusable heterogeneous catalysts for polymerisation. Another collaboration with Dr Ceri Hammond, now at Imperial College.
28/09: Welcome to Matt and Emma (welcome back!) who join the lab for their PhD within the CSCT.
21/08: Congratulations to Thom and Cécile for their new article in JACS, about a new cyclic carbonate/olefin monomer and the divergent catalytic polymerization strategies used to direct the resulting material properties. Well done!

Spring and Summer 2019
26/06: Jasmine and Marco will be at Glastonbury festival this week, sharing their research into bioplastics! Go and Find them in the Green Fields.
12/06: Strachan and Ioli are in Crete for the European Polymer Federation Conference, check out their posters!
10/06: Antoine speaks at the symposium "Towards Sustainable Plastics" in York.
10/06: Thom is off to Japan for his JSPS placement with Prof Kamigaito.
3/06: Antoine gives seminars in France at Chimie Paris-Tech and at the CEA-Saclay.
31/05: Welcome to Frances, who joins the group as a PDRA funded by the Uk Catalysis Hub, for a project in collaboration with Oxford and Prof Charlotte Williams.
22/10: Congratulations to Ioli for her first first author publication in Polymer Chemistry (open access), on reusable heterogeneous catalysts for polymerisation. Another collaboration with Dr Ceri Hammond, now at Imperial College.
28/09: Welcome to Matt and Emma (welcome back!) who joins the lab for their PhD!
21/08: Congratulations to Thom and Cécile for their new article in JACS, about a new cyclic carbonate/olefin monomer and the divergent catalytic polymerization strategies used to direct the resulting material properties. Well done!

Autumn 2018 and Winter 2019
28/02: Congratulations to Thom who has been awarded a JSPS fellowship to spend some time at Nagoya University over the summer in the group of Prof Kamigaito, working on renewable polymers.​
25/02: Congratulations Andy for successfully passing your PhD and becoming Dr Andrew Hall! The group will miss you!
4/02: Welcome to Jessica and Johanna who visits our lab for a couple of months from Bordeaux and Aachen.
31/01: New article in Macromolecules on copolymers of lactide and phosphonates, in collaboration with the Wurm group in Mainz. Well-done James!
17/12: Antoine gives a talk at the Frontiers in Green Materials meeting in London. Ioli, Strachan and Thom present their poster!
26/11: New collaborative article on polyesters from limonene out in Green Chemistry, led by the Howdle and Stockman groups in Nottingham. Well-done Megan and Jon!
1/11: New collaborative article from the CDT in Catalysis, out in ACS Sustainable. Chem. Eng., led by the Hammond and Roldan groups in Cardiff Congrats Keiko!
11/10: Antoine participates to the public lecture "Combating pollution through new biodegradable plastics", as part of the Minerva Series of Lectures of the University of Bath.

Spring and Summer 2018
27/08: Antoine gives a talk at the 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition in Boston.
15/08: New article in the Journal of CO2 Utilization, on the synthesis of 5- to 8-membered cyclic carbonates from CO2. Congratulations Thom on your first article!
19/06: New article published in Dalton Transactions, on lanthanide alkoxide complexes and their use to make PLA. Well done (again) James!
17/06: Meanwhile Antoine is at Buckingham Palace for a Royal Society event organised by the Duke of York, patron of the Royal Society...
17/06: James wins the prize for best oral presentation in Inorganic Chemistry at the post-graduate Bolland Symposium of the department of chemistry. Well done James!
28/05: Antoine gives a talk at the Bordeaux Polymer Conference.
01/03: New article in Organometallics in collaboration with Dr M. D. Jones from Bath, on Al half-salan complexes, and their use to make poly(lactic acid).
7/04: New article in Electroanalysis, a collaboration led by Prof Frank Marken from Bath.
05/04: Antoine gives an invited lecture and visit ISPA in Alencon (France), a specialised institute of plastics and composites.

Winter 2018
16/03: Antoine and Jasmine participates in the Science festival Bath Taps into Science.
01/03: New article on polymers from sugars and CS2 published in the emerging investigator issue of Polymer Chemistry. Well done Eva and George!
06/02: Welcome to Theo and Liza!
05/02: Antoine features in the Impact magazine of the University.
31/01: Antoine gives a research seminar at Lancaster University.
23/01: Antoine talks at the SUSPOL meeting in Warwick.
17/01: Antoine presents the group's research at the Vice-Chancellor's research afternoon.
03/01: Antoine is a keynote speaker at the UK Catalysis conference in Loughborough.

Autumn 2017
- 18/12: Group Christmas party in a Tibetan restaurant! Merry Christmas!
- 12/12: New group photo!
- 11/12: Antoine attends the meeting Frontiers in Green Materials in London.
- 01/11: Antoine joins the Editorial Board of Green Materials.
11/10: We welcome Ross in the group for his UG final year project.
05/10: Jasmine joins the group as part of her first MRes project at the CDT in SCT.
02/10: Welcome to Ioli who joins us for her PhD within the CDT in Catalysis.

Summer 2017
- 25/08: Antoine is leaving the Reineke group at UMN for now: thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Back in Bath!
- 19/08: Antoine is awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship for 5 years.
- 14/08: Antoine gave a seminar at UMN.
- 10/08: New collaborative paper with the Hammond group accepted in ChemSusChem.
- 4/07: George is graduating! Congratulations and all the best for the future George!
- 26/06: Antoine is at the University of Minnesota over the summer to work with the group of Prof Theresa Reineke and the Centre for Sustainable Polymers.
- 12/06: Our work on polymers from sugars and CO2 features in a University press release. We are also in The Chemical Engineer.

April /May 2017
18/05: Antoine talked to Year 10 and 6th formers about the group's research at St Augustine's College in Trowbridge.
21/04: George has just passed her PhD viva! Congratulations!

March 2017
29/03: New paper just accepted in Chemistry - A European Journal!
22/03/17: New group photo!
15/03: Our new article reporting polycarbonates from CO2 and deoxy-á´…-ribose and their copolymers has been published in Polymer Chemistry.
07/03: George's article on CO2/thymidine polycarbonate is published in Polymer Chemistry!
January/February 2017
13/02: George's article on CO2/thymidine polycarbonate has been accepted in Polymer Chemistry!
06/02: James' article is now out in the New Journal of Chemistry!
27/01: Our Feature Article in Chemical Communications "Polymers from sugars" is on line.
​November/December 2016
19/12: Antoine is awarded a RSC Researcher Mobility Grant to collaborate with the group of Prof Theresa Reineke at the University of Minnesota and the Centre for Sustainable Polymers.
12/12: George and James attended the Green Materials Research Symposium in London and James won the poster prize! Congratulations!
9/12: We obtained some funding from the Alumni fund to upgrade our GPC system!
7/12: Antoine gave a talk at the University of Nottingham, for the CDT in Sustainable Chemistry symposium.

September/October 2016
18/10: We welcome Tanguy in the group for his final-year research project.
3/10: Welcome (back) to Thom and Strachan who start their PhD in th group!
23/09: New paper published in Macromolecules on a new sugar-based polymer. Congratulations George, Lilly and Beth!
16/09: New paper published in ChemCatChem, from a project led by Dr Ceri Hammond at Cardiff, on zeolite catalysed Baeyer-Villager oxidations. Congratulations Keiko and Kirstie from the CDT in Catalysis!
14/09: Antoine presents the group's research on CO2 utilisation at the ICCDU in Sheffield.
5/09: We are organising MICRA2016!
Summer 2016
We are organising MICRA 2016 (Meeting of Inorganic Chemists Recently Appointed) at the University of Bath on 5-7 September 2016. Honorary Degrees will be awarded on this occasion to Prof Philip Power (UC Davis) and Prof Robert Crabtree (Yale) on 7 September. Award lectures are public.
12/08: A new group photo was taken at our summer barbecue!
04/08: New paper published in Dalton Transactions, from a project led by Dr Matthew Jones at Bath.
1/07: Welcome to Eva, who joins the group as our new EPSRC-funded PDRA.
09/06: We welcome Rose, Beth and Strachan in the lab for their second CDT MRes project!
Spring 2016
29/04: An EPSRC supported Post-Doctoral Research Associate position, starting June-July 2016, is available for up to 18 months in our group. See advert and apply directly online.
02/04: New paper accepted in Electroanalysis, a collaborative work led by Prof Frank Marken from Bath. Out now (updated 5/05/2016)
25/03: Antoine is awarded a EPSRC First Grant. Post-Doctoral Research Assistant position will be advertised in April 2016.
15/03: New article published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society with Prof C. K. Williams (ICL). In Open Access.
03/03: Antoine is awarded a research grant from The Royal Society.
Winter 2016
24/02: Fully funded PhD studenship available starting october 2016.
11/02: We welcome Lilly in the group for her Erasmus term at the University of Bath.
02/02: New group photo!
15/01: As this year competition is about to kick off, read about and watch George's Three Minute Thesis competition entry from last year here.
01/01: Happy New Year!
09/12: Congratulations to Andy on his MRes graduation!
02/12: Chrismas party selfie!

October 2015
30/10: Read Andrew's account of the Small Molecule NMR Conference 2015 on the CSCT blog.
19/10: We welcome Liz and Charlie in the group for their final year research projects.
12/10: New paper published in Electrocatalysis, a collaborative work led by Prof Frank Marken from Bath. Out now here.
1/10: James Beament joins the group for his PhD, in co-supervision with Dr Matthew Jones.

September 2015
22/09: New paper accepted in Electrocatalysis, a collaborative work led by Prof Frank Marken from Bath. Out soon.
14/09/2015: New paper accepted in Chemistry, a European Journal, a collaborative work led by Dr Ruth Webster from Bath. read more about the Facile, Catalytic Dehydrocoupling of Phosphines Using β-Diketiminate Iron(II) Complexes.
7-9/09/2015; Faraday Discussions on CO2 Utilisation at the University of Sheffield. Congratulations to George for winning the best poster prize! Read her account of the conference on the CSCT blog.
1/09/2015: Symposium “Inventing New Reactions” in honour of the 60th birthday of Prof Sam Zard, Antoine’s organic chemistry mentor at the Ecole Polytechnique. Happy Birthday!

Summer 2015
14/08/2015: Morgan and Evan completed their 8 week project in the group by presenting their work to the Chemistry Department. We wish them a safe trip back to the US and all the best for their remaining studies.
13/07/2015: Check out our photos of the CSCT summer showcase.
2/07/2015: Congratulations to Lucy (Nat Sci. BSc) and Felicity (MChem) on their graduation, alongside Prof George Whitesides (recipient of an honorary degree from Bath)!
1/07/2015: We welcome Craig, Morgan and Evan to the lab for the summer! Craig is a 3rd year MChem student at Bath who was awarded a RSC UG research bursary for the summer. Morgan and Evan come from the US and are funded by the NSF and the Research Experience for Undergraduate program grant led by Dr Terry Nile.
17/06/2015: New article in collaboration with Dr Matthew D. Jones just accepted in Chemical Science and already on open-access on-line! Congratulations Paul (CSCT) and Lauren (Bath UG) for your work! Discover the metal influence on the selectivity of salan derived catalysts for the polymerisation of lactide. It is on open-access.
08-11/06/2015: Antoine attends the Royal Society Discussion meetings Catalysis improving society in London and Catalysis to make the world a better place at Chicheley Hall.

Spring 2015
14/05/2015: Craig, currently in his 3rd at Bath, was awarded a RSC Undegraduate Bursary to work with us over the summer. Congratulations!
01/05/2015: George's first paper has just been published in RSC Advances. Congratulations! Read about our novel mild method to make polymerisable cyclic carbonates directly from 1,3-diols and low CO2 pressure. It is open-access.
07/04/2015: George is talking at the CSCT symposium " Renewable Feedstocks: A Fantasy or Reality?" (4.05 pm, 3 West North 2.1). Details can be found on the CSCT blog.
02/04/2015: Antoine is giving a seminar at the University of Rouen in Normandy, France (10.30 am, Amphitheater Poirier). Details can be found on the University of Rouen website.
He will also spend a couple of days in the Cobra Lab, with Dr Vincent Tognetti.
20/03/2015: Andrew and the 2014 CSCT CDT cohort are at the Bath Taps into Science festival, today at in the University Founder's hall, and tomorrow in Victoria Park. Come and let them engage you with sustainable chemical technologies! Check out their video here.
18/03/2015: Congratulations to George for winning the Faculty of Science 3 minute thesis competition with her presentation: "What if we could make plastic from waste sugar?".

Winter 2015
26/02/2015: Antoine stepped in for Dr Krista Bondy and spoke at the free public lecture on Sustainability, part of the University of Bath MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) ‘Make an Impact: Sustainability for Professionals’ which started on 12 January and was led by Dr Emma Emanuelsson from the department of Chemical Engineering. The video can be seen here.
25/02/2015: A photo of the group as it stands today as been added to the GROUP page.
18/02/2015: Antoine is an invited speaker at the EPSRC UK National Service for Computational Chemistry Software (NSCCS) user meeting 2015 at Imperial College London. He will talk about our "Joint experimental/computational approach to the development of new catalytic systems for renewable polymers" (at 2.40 pm, Electrical Engineering Building, Room 509 A&B). The rest of the meeting programme is available here or here as a pdf.
21/01/2015: Antoine will be giving a research seminar at University College London and present the group latest work on sustainable polymers (Ramsay Lecture Theatre, 4 pm).
13/01/2015: Paragon and Prior Park College students presented at the University in front of CSCT staff and students, the results of our Royal Society Partnership Grant project "Green Plastics vs Water". Well done everyone!
Read more about it here and here. -
13/01/2015: Website is live! Welcome to Felicity, who joins the group for her final year MChem research project.